Rachel, Maid of Honour

She is Andrew's younger sister, and I met her almost 5 years ago just a few weeks after Andrew and I met. She took me ring shopping to help get ideas for Andrew before he popped the question. Rachel and I love to cook, bake, and go shopping together. She is like the sister I never had.

Andrea B, Bridesmaid

I meet Andrea through Paul, who is one of Andrew's groomsman. Andrew had known Andrea for about 6 or 7 years, and I have known her for almost 5 years. We have really connected as we love the same kind of music and styles of clothes. We are the only 2 girls in our group of friends that love metal, and we always keep eachother company at the metal shows.

Kim, Bridesmaid

Kim and I met while working in the Parking Office at Mohawk College back in 2004. We really bonded and have been friends ever since. We both love tattoos, loud music, pets, decorating, being healthy, and kids.

Matt, Best Man

Andrew and Matt have been best friends since they where in grade school. They have done everything and anything together, and have been through everything and anything together. I've known Matt for almost 5 years. 
Matt is perfect for this role, I just can't wait for his speech!

Paul, Groomsman

Andrew has known Paul since the High School days, and I have known Paul for almost 5 years. He loves to organize football games and Halo nights; and he loves his metal! He's a great guy, we love having a good time with him.

Jeremy, Groomsman

Jeremy and Andrew have been best friends since they where littler, growing up across the street from each other. Always getting into mischief and playing video games together, even to this day. I met Jeremy almost 5 years ago. We enjoy our double dates of the Ultimate Fighter with Jeremy and his girlfriend Amanda. 

Andrea, Master of Ceremonies

I met Andrea just under 6 years ago when I found an ad for an available room in her apartment after I split with my ex. She was a great support after that time and we have contiued to be great friends. Even after we both moved out of that place, and then with her moving to North Bay. We continue to have MSN dates and talk almost every night. She is partly responsible for setting up a blind date for Andrew and I to meet. She is very important in my life, I couldn't imagine not having her be apart of our wedding in some way.!